Mona Riabacke
PhD Risk & Decision Analysis, decision and leadership expert.
€395 for 60 minutes

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- Engelska
Growing up with a Swedish father and Egyptian mother gave me an insight into and understanding of two very different cultures. The love of travel runs in my blood as I had family in both Egypt and the United States, where I also lived from time to time.
Expert and consultant in
Wisory gives any business leader a possibility of booking Sweden’s leading advisors for a 1:1 video consultation. Discuss your challenges during 1 hour meetings.
Mona’s biggest achievements
- Daring to make the leap from the scientific community to the world of business — It felt important to spread my wings and experience the real-world need for the knowledge I had been researching for many years.
- Daring to start up a business — With four children at home, aged between one and ten, many thought we were crazy when we told them about our plans to start up our own business. But after a few years in the world of consulting, we saw a need for guidance in decision-making, leadership, and communication where we had a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and business experience.
- Curiosity and problem solving — I was always driven by curiosity, the desire to understand and learn new things. In combination with my analytical skills, this has made it easy for me to put myself in different types of situations and find solutions where others may find it easier to focus on the problems.
Mona’s beliefs
- A greater understanding of human nature allows us to improve the way we manage ourselves and others, in turn enabling us to feel better and achieve better results.
- In a rapidly changing and complex world, full of information and uncertainty, knowledge and research are more important than ever.
- The courage to try new things or do things differently will have a directly determining impact on our future success. Our stone-age brains were programmed for risk avoidance, which is good for our survival but less so for innovation! "A world full of chaos does not require precision — it requires action"!
Some of our customers
About Mona
Growing up with a Swedish father and Egyptian mother gave me an insight into and understanding of two very different cultures. The love of travel runs in my blood as I had family in both Egypt and the United States, where I also lived from time to time.
When I started my research, I was especially intrigued by the behavioural aspects of decision-making, as I find it very exciting to understand the way we humans work and how we can help others develop.
I love my family, my dog, good food, discovering new things, nature, and most forms of exercise.
- Decision traps and opportunities
- Decisions during uncertainty
- Getting people and organisations to be more daring, sustainable and healthy
- How to reach people based on set goals by finding convincing and simple messages that engage
- Leadership change
- Leadership culture
- Risk management
- Structuring decisions and decision materials
- Så fattar du bättre beslut (Chef & Karriär)
- Data is valuable only if you know how to make decisions (SAS)
- Svårt att bestämma dig? (Aftonbladet)